Balfour Farm, our 100-acre organic farmstead and dairy creamery in Pittsfield, Maine, is best known for its award-winning organic cheeses and NON-GMO fed salami. But don’t you forget, we’re a working farm.

Certified Organic
Since 2006, we've learned how to work with the seasons, the land, and our animals to make real, organic food. It's taken a lot of trial and error and hard work — but to us, it's the right way to do things.

The land of our 100-acre farm is certified organic. As you drive by the farm this is the view you’ll take in. Every morning the fog rolls in and out, creating an idyllic farmstead scene.
We believe in honest food. That means pesticides, herbicides, food colorings, and additives have no place on our farm. The natural give-and-take relationship between the land and our animals is what makes our food products what they are. We're fortunate to be caretakers of the land and animals and proud to be certified organic.

every normande cow you see on the farm starts its life here on the farm. The cheese they make is organic, and that’s because of the land they graze and the care we give them daily. Here’s doug enjoying a moment with Beverly in front pasture.
Farm & Farmstead Creamery
To be farmstead is a decision we didn’t take lightly. To us, being farmstead means that all things cheese and salami start and end on the farm. It’s where the cows and pigs are raised. It’s where they live and eat. It’s where they build a bond with the us, the other animals, and the land they graze upon. The farm is a place we all call home.

The way we treat our animals is just like we treat our own family: with a tremendous amount of care and respect. We milk our small herd of Normande cows just once a day — because we understand it's hard work being milked.

Doug takes a breather while “the girls” are being milked. The hum of the pipeline system fills the milking parlor as the cows get to work. The system’s vacuum mimics the feel of being milked by hand.
Sustainably Made
Our products are handmade in small batches with sustainability top of mind. To cut our energy use, we harness the most sustainable source of power around: the sun. Our farm is off-the-grid, and 90% of our electricity is captured through 60 solar panels and stored in a bank of batteries. One hour per day while milking, we fire up our diesel generator we lovingly call "the West Pittsfield Power Plant." We worked with Maine Farmland Trust to make our farm a “Forever Farm,” designating it as farmland forever.

On the roof our of creamery and farm store you’ll find 60 solar panels, which create 90% of the power needed to run our whole farm operation.
The Farm Crew
Our small team works hard on the farm together 365 days a year. We wear all hats and help each other out. We love the connection we have to our land and animals at Balfour Farm — and sharing that connection with you.

Heather Donahue
Owner / Operator (Cheesemaker & Farmer)

Doug Donahue
Owner / Operator (FARMER & Mechanic)

Olivia Field
Lead Cheesemaker

Lauren Collins
Livestock Manager
Would You Like To Join The Team?
Shoot us an email at with the note about why you’d be a great fit to our small but mighty team.